Monday, September 1, 2008


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"So if you wake up one morning and it's a particularly beautiful day, you'll know we made it."

When I first watched "Sunshine" I was quite tired, still, I enjoyed it. After having seen "2001" and "Solyaris", I was deeply in the mood for another film in space, so I decided to rewatch this, especially because I could barely remember what happens in the film, mainly the ending. I was thoroughly enjoyed, even though it does not compare to "2001" or "Solyaris" it's still a good film.

  • Title: Sunshine
  • Year of Release: 2007
  • Director: Danny Boyle
  • Genre: Sci Fi/Thriller
  • Rating: 8/10

This film is about a group of astronauts who go on a mission to reignite a dying sun, though most probably unrealistic, it does not feel as if it's unrealistic or lame. The group are aboard the Spaceship Icarus II, Icarus I failed to complete the mission.

First I will talk about the acting. I'm sure even those who didn't like the film can agree, the acting was quite good from most of the cast, probably Cliff Curtis was the least brilliant in this aspect of the movie. To my surprise, Chris Evans really does shine (pun intended) in this movie, it really showed he actually has a talent other than the simple, 2d characters he has played in the past for simple "money flicks". As expected, Cillian Murphy does a superb job in his role.

John Murphy, I salute you. Murphy's score for the film was one of the best parts of this film, especially in the dramatic scenes, when the theme was played it would really get you into the film, it was so great. Music in movies is quite often under appreciated, in few movies do they manage to get such a good score that it makes you want to listen to it in your spare time, or give you that feeling in your stomach that makes you feel for the characters so much, simply because of the enticing music.

As you may have seen from the trailer, the special effects for this film are very good. This film definitely has some amazing visuals that you can admire even if your not enjoying it, generally.

I can understand why people don't like the film, I won't deny them their opinion. If it was given a second opinion on the end, and added another 30-60 minutes, it would have been perfected, I'm certain of that. As I stated earlier, it doesn't compare to the brilliant "2001: A Space Odyssey" or "Solyaris", those films simply put me in the right mood. If your looking for an interesting Sci Fi film, I highly recommend you check this out, as well, as usual, check out the trailer, because generally speaking it will point you in the right direction if it's your sort of film.

Click me to go to trailer.


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